
Entry (1/2)1  fioka
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Sound
Explanations in Malagasy  4  sioka [Bara] [1.78]5  Feon' ny rivotra lalovan-javatra mihelatra sy mandalo mafy; feo miteraka sioka avy amin' ny fikivilivilin' ny zavatra miriotra mafy; feo mifofofofo toy ny fanaon' ny omby hanoto vonon-kamely [1.1]
Explanations in English  6  whizzing, the noise of the lashing of a whip, lashing. 7  whistling, whistle. See siaka, sioka. [1.2]
Examples  8  Nisy ireny miaramila ireny nahita fomba manokana hanampiana ireo avy nisakafo amin' ny fandevonan-kanina: rehefa tapi-nihinana ny olona, miditra amin' ny kiraro beny izy, manitsaka tongotra etsy, fe eroa, ary mizara fioka karavasy havia sy havanana amin' izay tandrify rehetra any. [2.472]
9  Active verbs :
10  Passive verbs :
11  Relative verbs :
12  Names :
13  Adjectives :

Entry (2/2)14  fioka
Part of speech  15  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  16  kapoka [Bara+Tambahoaka] [1.78]

Anagrams  17  fikoa, fioka, kofia, ofika

Updated on 2021/11/27